Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Form of Fitness!

Hey everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my new blog! You’re probably asking yourself “what does circus fit mean?” Well let me tell you what it means to me.

Circus-Fit- Fit for the Circus!
(I know, I know really original)

Two years ago I fell in love with a new form of exercise, and now I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. You may be asking yourself what the heck (we live in Utah "heck" is a word) is circus fitness?

Circus Fitness is using different circus type apparatuses’ in means of staying fit. So that means what exactly? The different objects we use are; Aerial Silk (two strands of long fabric), Aerial Hoop (big metal hula hoop), Aerial Trapeze, and Vertical Pole. I found after a few classes that traditional gyms weren’t doing it for me anymore, and that I needed to be challenged on a whole new level.

After six months of classes I was asked to become one of ADF's Pole Fitness instructor's. Currently I am teaching Vertical Pole Fitness, Routine Development, Vertical Strength, Chair Dancing, and Aerial Silks. This has become a addiction of mine, and I can't wait to share it with you!


  1. wow that sounds really fun. So do you guys ever preform?

  2. Shayli,

    This would be so much fun! I can't believe there is something actually like this out there! When you said you did this in class on the first day I was so excited to learn more about it. I'm glad you used this as your blog! I have zero strenght but I would love to try this out. This is seriously amazing!
